Fun Vision Facts!

We searched the internet to bring you some fun vision facts. Which is your favourite?


Humans can see more shades of grey than another colour.

Gorgeous greyscale lion

Gorgeous greyscale lion.


Dolphins can sleep with one eye open.

What a smiley chap!

What a smiley chap!


The most active muscles in the body are in the eyes.

Look at those blues!

Look at those blues!


Some people are born with two different colour eyes.

Siblings with heterochromia - two different coloured eyes.

Siblings with heterochromia – two different coloured eyes.


Brown is the most common eye colour  in the world.

People with brown eyes are said to appear more trustworthy too!

People with brown eyes are said to appear more trustworthy too!


An eye condition may have been responsible for Leonardo Da Vinci’s artistic genius!

A very stern looking Da Vinci.

A very stern looking Da Vinci.


Do you have any fun eye facts? We’d love to hear from you!